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Posts mit dem Label beautiful dancefloor weapons werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Denn aufmerksame Leser unserer Online Magazins werden in den letzten Wochen sicherlich unsere Sammlung der Free Downloads vermisst haben. Zeit also um sich endlich wieder mit den nicht käuflichen Wunderwaffen zu beschäftigen und euch die besten Free Downloads der vergangenen Wochen vorzustellen.
Die Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons 014 Compilation hält 15 kostenlose Tracks von Electronica, über Indie, Deep House bis Tech House zum Download bereit.
VA - Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons 014
1. Pablo Bolivar - Diamonds feat. NeZabava (Take One)
2. Dissolved - Seven Places (Original)
3. Ceú - Bobagem (David Marston and Dan Izco Minha Beleza Remix)
4. Philipp Gorbachev - Distance - Не На Ты (Silver Album)
5. Damian Lazarus & Mathew Jonson - Going To The Desert (Original)
6. APP- Melankolia (Original)
7. Ilves & Migova - True Pilgrim (Original Mix)
8. Doomwork - In Da Message (Original)
9. Herznote - Unglücksrabe (Original)
10. Igor Vicente - Jasmin (Original Mix)
11. Stefan Mint - AbenteuerWildnisAction (Original)
12. Applescal - Dozen People (Original)
13. TrepTunes - We Are The Party Army (Original Mix)
14. NYO & Tim Penner - Wrongoose (Original)
15. AFFECT! - Different Sides (Original)
VA – Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #014
compiled by Stefan Lange
Release Number: BDW014
Release Date: 21.07.2014
Das schöne Leben( does not host any track,
In Case of conflicts on rights please mail to info (at) dasschoeneleben (.) com .

Zeit für die neueste Ausgabe unser Free Download Compilation und damit auch wieder für die beste elektronische Musik die kostenlos in der Soundcloud umherschwirrt.
Inzwischen sind wir bereits bei stattlichen dreizehn Ausgaben angelangt und dennoch ist es immer wieder faszinierend welch musikalische Schatzperlen sich im Internet auftun. In der aktuellen Veröffentlichung geht es mit den Tracks auf die Reise von Indie, über Deep House, House und Tech House bis hin zu Minimal Techno, aufgelockert durch eine Priese verspielter Electronica.
Die Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons Nummer 13 besitzt mit 25 Tracks eine Spieldauer von insgesamt über 183 Minuten und enthält unter anderem Musikgut von Acts wie der Indie Band WhoMadeWho, Acid Pauli, ItaloBros, Shinedoe, Mathew Jonson, dessen hier vertretener Track im Übrigem live in der Panorama Bar aufgezeichnet wurde, Alex Niggemann, David Labeij, Roland M. Dill oder Fairmont. Ebenfalls wie immer mit dabei ist natürlich auch wieder so manch bezaubernder Geheimtipp, wie zum Beispiel Tidu - Silowiki, Florian Fiernow - Schwarzer Schnee oder Nu Media - Between, zudem wird das Hyperpsychotec Cherries Tool von Bubba - Drugs, Hugs And Thugs vorerst nur als exklusiver Download über diese Seite erhältlich sein.
Wie gewohnt enthält auch die dreizehnte Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons Compilation nur echte Free Downloads und verpflichtet nicht zum kauf per "Gefällt Mir", Tweet oder ähnlichem.
VA – Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #013 - Free Download Compilation
Genre: Electronica, Indie, Nu Disco, Deep House, Tech House, Minimal
1. WhoMadeWho - Hiding In Darkness (Original Mix) (Download)
2. Tone Of Arc - I´m Not Alone Remix (Download)
3. Marbert Rocel - My Bed (Creaques Park Remix) (Download)
4. Ane Trolle - 100 People (Nuno Dos Santos Dub) (Download)
5. PillowTalk - Lullaby (South Of Chihuahua Dub Mix) (Download)
6. Mathew Jonson - Another Re-wired Marionette (Original Mix) (Download)
7. Acid Pauli - Fuck The EU (Original Mix) (Download)
8. Spitbastard - Renaissandre(original Mix) (Download)
9. David Labeij - Grunes Tag (Download)
10. Patrick Baker - Reckless Love (Kid Kombat Remix) (Download)
11. Florian Fiernow - Schwarzer Schnee (Original Mix) (Download)
12. David Bowie - This is not America (ItaloBros Remix) (Download)
13. Bubba - Drugs, Hugs And Thugs (Stefan Lange Hyperpsychotec Cherries Tool) (Download)
14. Shinedoe - No Drama (Original Mix) (Download)
15. Dekolo - Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo (Original Mix) (Download)
16. Alex Niggemann - I Dont Care (Aggressive Tale Mix) (Download)
17. Tears for Fears - Pale Shelter (Andy Drago Dark Club Mix) (Download)
18. mininome, the kids - brainkeeper (Unreleased) (Download)
19. Roland M. Dill - Unit Separator (Original Mix) (Download)
20. Tidu - Silowiki (Original Mix) (Download)
21. Fairmont - Greyhound (Original Mix) (Download)
22. Marble Players - Paris Is Burning (Original Mix) (Download)
23. DAN.K & JC - All The Love (Original Mix) (Download)
24. Nu Media - Between (Original Mix) (Download)
25. Poolside - Take A Chance (Original Mix)(Download)
VA – Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #013
compiled by Stefan Lange
Release Number: BDW013
Release Date: 24.02.2014
In Case of conflicts on rights please mail to info (at) dasschoeneleben (.) com .

Die zwölfte Ausgabe unser Free Download Compilation ist die erste der Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons die ausschließlich aus der Community Soundcloud zusammen getragen wurde, das heißt anders als sonst waren wir nicht noch zusätzlich auf anderen Blogs oder Webseiten um zu schauen was die anbieten, sondern haben uns ausschließlich durch dutzende Profile gewühlt, die Funktion teilen macht es zum Glück möglich.
Heraus gekommen ist wohl eine der schönsten Ausgaben bisher, welche sich musikalisch von Nu Disco über Deep und Tech House, bis hin zu Minimal und Techno erstreckt und wie immer aus den besten Edits, Remixen und Original Tracks besteht, die als Free Download erhältlich sind.
Die Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #012 kommt mit insgesamt 18 Tracks und über 2 Stunden Spielzeit, sowie Produktionen von Acts wie Alan Fitzpatrick, Guti oder The Cheapers. Natürlich darf man sich aber auch wie immer auf wunderschöne und kreative Geheimtipps freuen.
VA – Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #012
M.H. Project Feat. John Lennon - Imagine (Download)
Weval - Something (Live edit) (Download)
Riccicomoto - No Turning Back (Alternative Dub) (Download)
The Cheapers - The Black Bell (Download)
Lex Chaplin - Fragen Über Fragen (Download)
Paul Loraine & Justin Stride - Double Down (Download)
Applescal & Ryan Davis-Creatures (Nicorus Remix) (Download)
Tobias Sandmann - Dancing In The Past (Download)
Teenage Mutants - Out Of Time (Animal Trainer Remix) (Download)
Bliss - They Made History (Mehmet Akar Remix) (Download)
Orelse - Innocense (Original Mix) (Download)
Komon - Walk The Walk 1745 Edit (Eqd) 44_16 (Download)
Guti - El mensajero (Download)
Prince Club - Detroit (Original Mix) (Download)
Alan Fitzpatrick - This Modern Love (Download)
Jobez – Acid Archives #2 (Download)
Mother Medusa - Lent et Douloureux (Download)
Nick Muir - G Platz (Neil Quigley remix) (Download)
VA – Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #012 is compiled by Stefan Lange for
Release Number: BDW012
Release Date: 08.01.2014
"True Downloads! Unsere Geheimwaffen sind echte Free Downloads und verpflichten nicht durch
Facebooks Like, Twitter teilen oder sonst etwas zum Kauf!"
The tracks and downloads are not hosted by Das schöne Leben( and Das
schöne Leben also does not own any rights on the tracks. The status free download depends on
the link owner. VA - BDW #011 is compiled by Stefan Lange, with free download tracks taken
from soundcloud. In Case of conflicts on rights please mail to info ( at ) dasschoeneleben (
. ) com . JPG is taken from Tumblr.

Endlich. Hier sind sie wieder unsere Schätze aus den tiefen Gefilden der Soundwolke, die Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons mit den besten Free Downloads. 17 Tracks mit großer musikalischer und emotionaler Bandbreite. Eine bunte Mischung quer durch den Gemüsegarten elektronischer Musik: von Nu Disco, Tech House, UK House, Electronica und elektronischem Hip Hop. 17 Tracks auf einer Reise, bittersüß, melancholisch, mitreißend hypnotisch bis zu echtem Gänsehaut-Sound. Compilation Nummer elf enthält unter anderem Tracks von Kiki, Tapesh, Ruede Hagelstein oder Midland, Hand in Hand mit unseren Geheimtipps und Ausnahme-Tracks...
1. Midland feat. Anywayawana - Hub Download
2. Neus - What is What (Remix by KRONO) Download
3. ILL-R (Ilario Alicante) - Tribute to R (Label: Supernature) Download
4. Cisco Cisco - If You Want Me (Jay Shepheard Remix) Download
5. Nico Pusch - Was ich sehe Download
6. Farbaromat - Chapter 02 (Treptunes Remix)(Label: Concorde Club Rec) Download
7. Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (Dub Fragments Extended Remix) Download
8. Toy - Clock Chimes (Hardway Bros Outer Space Dub) Download
9. Spitbastard - Struggle Download
10. A1 BASSLINE - STABS V.I.P Download
11. Yaaman - Why (Label: Y Este Finde Qué) Download
12. No Ceremony - Feelsolow (Kikis Balearic Mix) Download
13. Tapesh - Nobody Download
14. Dennis Ripper - Hedonism (Ruede Hagelstein Remix) Download
15. Aly-Us - Follow Me (Matteo Rosolare's deep house bootleg) Download
16. Spandau Ballet - True (Lane 8 Edit) Download
17. G-Eazy - Been On Download
VA – Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #011 compiled by Stefan Lange
Release : Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #011
Label: das schöne Leben
Release Number: BDW011
Release Date: xx.10.2013
"True Downloads! Unsere Geheimwaffen sind echte Free Downloads und verpflichten nicht durch
Facebooks-Apps zum Kauf via Facebook Like!"
The tracks and downloads are not hosted by Das schöne Leben( and Das
schöne Leben also does not own any rights on the tracks. The status free download depends on
the link owner. VA - BDW #011 is compiled by Stefan Lange, with free download tracks taken
from soundcloud. In Case of conflicts on rights please mail to info ( at ) dasschoeneleben (
. ) com . JPG is taken from Tumblr.

Wieder mal ein perfekter Sonntag für unsere Compilation und dazu werden die Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons zweistellig und feiern somit ihre zehnte Ausgabe. Die Jubiläumsausgabe der Free Download Compilation: 15 Tracks aus dem Bereich Tech House, Deep House und Techno. Auf die Tanzfläche orientiert und mit wahren Schmuckstücken zum Augen schließen, um mit einem Lächeln tanzend dahin zu träumen. Ausgabe #010 enthält unter anderem Tracks von Different Marks, Nico Stojan, Schlepp Geist, Mario Aureo, Rey & Kjavik oder Sion.
Deep House, Tech House
Different Marks - Lavender Lady feat. Paul Randolph
Rainbow Arabia - Math Quiz (Kid606 remix)
Tinush - Schlafloser Wikinger (Original) // Free Download
Chromatics - I Want Your Love (Toben Remix)
schlepp geist - linn
Say Lou Lou - Julian (Lancelot Remix)
Amnesia vs Dino Lenny - Oxygen - Original
danco lewin - love19
Schlepp Geist - Fat For Fun - Nico Stojan 'look back' Remix
SION - I Can't Stop [Original Mix]
Claire - Games (Rey&Kjavik Rmx)
Aurel Den Bossa - Otter song
Mario Aureo - Jubilee Rhythm
Antonio Olivieri - MOVIN ON - 2013mix
Louie Fresco - No Hateration (Original Mix)
Title: Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #010
Released by: Das schöne Leben
Release/catalogue number: BDW010
Release date: 21.07.2013
VA – Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #009 is compiled by Stefan Lange
"True Downloads! Unsere Geheimwaffen sind echte Free Downloads und verpflichten nicht durch
Facebooks-Apps zum Kauf via Facebook Like!"
The tracks and downloads are not hosted by Das schöne Leben( and Das
schöne Leben also does not own any rights on the tracks. The status free download depends on
the link owner. VA - BDW #009 is compiled by Stefan Lange, with free download tracks taken
from soundcloud. In Case of conflicts on rights please mail to info ( at ) dasschoeneleben (
. ) com . JPG is taken from Tumblr.
Released by: Das schöne Leben
Release/catalogue number: BDW010
Release date: 21.07.2013
VA – Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #009 is compiled by Stefan Lange
"True Downloads! Unsere Geheimwaffen sind echte Free Downloads und verpflichten nicht durch
Facebooks-Apps zum Kauf via Facebook Like!"
The tracks and downloads are not hosted by Das schöne Leben( and Das
schöne Leben also does not own any rights on the tracks. The status free download depends on
the link owner. VA - BDW #009 is compiled by Stefan Lange, with free download tracks taken
from soundcloud. In Case of conflicts on rights please mail to info ( at ) dasschoeneleben (
. ) com . JPG is taken from Tumblr.

Es ist immer wieder erstaunlich, welche musikalische Vielfalt das Internet doch hergibt und wenn man die richtigen Tracks gefunden hat, wie viel Spaß man doch an Musik haben kann. Mit der Compilation Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons präsentiert das schöne Leben an diesem Sonntag bereits zum neunten Mal die Perlen unter den Free Downloads der vergangenen Wochen. Unter anderem kommen auf #009 die Geheimwaffen von Rodriguez Jr. , Moodwax, Tiago Schneider, Vintage Culture, DeMarzo, Ken Wan, Central Rodeo, AkeeM, Gorje Hewek.
Genre: Deep House, Tech House
1. Deep Space Orchestra - Outliers - Use of Weapons
2. Aphex Twin - Window Licker (Moodwax Love for the Herb Remix)
3. Fish Go Deep - The Cure & The Cause [EV BOOT]
4. Rodriguez Jr. - Manama
5. New Order - Blue Monday (Vintage Culture RMX)
6. Made To Move- Ready For This (Tiago Schneider Remix)
7. DeMarzo - Aim High (Original Mix)
8. Depeche Mode - Only When Lose Myself (Moodwax Love for the Darker Herb Remix)
9. Ken Wan - Dance In The Sky (Original Mix)
10. Ken Wan - Dance Of The Women Frog (Central Rodeo Remix)
11. Addalog & Michael Deep - Seven Day (AKeeM's the lost 'S' RMX)
12. Central Rodeo - Something Wrong (Original Mix)
13. Dan Lagardere - Pharaoh (Original Mix)
14. Rocco - The Revolution (Karim Time Is Now Dub)
15. Gorje Hewek & Izhevski – Savitri
Link: VA – Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #009
Title: Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #009
Released by: Das schöne Leben
Release/catalogue number: BDW009
Release date: 02/Juni/2013
VA – Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #009 is compiled by Stefan Lange
"True Downloads! Unsere Geheimwaffen sind echte Free Downloads und verpflichten nicht durch
Facebooks-Apps zum Kauf via Facebook Like!"
The tracks and downloads are not hosted by Das schöne Leben( and Das
schöne Leben also does not own any rights on the tracks. The status free download depends on
the link owner. VA - BDW #009 is compiled by Stefan Lange, with free download tracks taken
from soundcloud. In Case of conflicts on rights please mail to info ( at ) dasschoeneleben (
. ) com . JPG is taken from Tumblr.

Das Ergebnis ist eine Zusammenstellung von wunderschönen Tracks, die so selbst für Geld selten zu ergattern sind. 24 Free Downloads - aus Genres wie Deep House, Tech House, Indie und Nu Dance Tracks - lassen diese Compilation nicht nur qualitativ glänzen, sondern machen sie auch prall gefüllt wie noch nie. Die Tracks kommen dabei unter anderem von Ian Pooley, Niconé & Sascha Braemer, Kraak & Smaak, Soukie & Windish, Betoko, Coma und den Chromatics.
VA – Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #008
Compiled by Stefan Lange
Style: Indie, Nu Disco, Deep House, Garage House, Tech House, Minimal
1. The Analog Affair - We Were Lovers
2. Jon Convex - Fade (G.Vump Remix)
3. Chrome Canyon - Generations (Chateau Marmont Remix)
4. Coma - Hoooooray
5. David Bowie - Golden Years (Tim Fuchs Edit)
6. HearThug - Sans Question
7. Ben Macklin & Yota - Controller (Cassette Club Night Remix) 8. Thyladomid ft. The Veils - Devils Dance
9. 2Mannzelt - Imperfection (Original Mix)
10. Le Carousel- Lose Your Love (Andrew Weatherall remix)
11. SamH3 - Control the suspend (Betoko V Mario Basanov & Vidis)
12. Chromatics - Kill For Love (Kraak & Smaak Bootleg Remix) 13. Mia Dora - Random Romantics
14. Ian Pooley - I Got You
15. Soukie & Windish - Reconstruct
16. Alex Clare - Hummingbird (Studio M Remix)
17. Asaga - Trip Through Myself (Original Mix)
19. JB-Z - Supplier
20. Niconé & Sascha Braemer - Cold World (Kai Kurve Remix)
21. Daniel Avery - Water Jump (Dimitri Veimar remix)
22. Monoblok & PSLKTR - Sigminder (Vosper remix)
23. So Serious - Groove The Party Feat. Marvin Gaye (Original Mix)
24. Stefan Hendry - Better Sounds
Artist: VA
Title: Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons
Release Number: BDW008
Release date: March 03, 2013
Style: Indie, Nu Disco, Deep House, Garage House, Tech House, Minimal
True Downloads! Unsere Geheimwaffen sind echte Free Downloads und verpflichten nicht durch Facebooks-Apps zum Kauf via Facebook Like!
The tracks and downloads are not hosted by Das schöne Leben( and Das schöne Leben also does not own any rights on the tracks. The status free download depends on the link owner. VA - BDW #008 is compiled by Stefan Lange, with free download tracks taken from soundcloud. In Case of conflicts on rights please mail to info ( at ) dasschoeneleben ( . ) com . JPG is taken from Tumblr.

Ausgabe #007 ist eine wahre Schatztruhe an elektronischer Musik geworden und bedient sich an den 14 besten Free Download Tracks der vergangenen Wochen. Dabei lieferten 13 Künstler aus 10 Ländern wahre Kunstwerke aus Genre wie Indie, Nu Disco, Deep House, Tech House und Garage ab. Absolut wunderschöne Tracks, die einen ganz besonderen Zauber auf die Tanzfläche streuen können, eben echte Geheimwaffen.
Animal Trainer, Art In Motion, Blond:ish, Climbers, Fassing, Forrest, Friendly Fox, Local Natives, Lou Van, Radum & Eleven, Sam Sparro, Stefan Lange, Thom Monn, Wake Owl,
VA - Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #007
compiled by Stefan Lange
Style: Indie, Nu Disco, Deep House, Tech House,
1. Wake Owl - Gold (Noah Hyde / Magic Sword Remix) - Vancouver, Kannada ⬇
2. Friendly Fox - When I Hear Her - Helsinki, Finnland ⬇
3. Local Natives - Breakers (Superhumanoids Remix) - Silverlake, United States ⬇
4. Blond:ish and Climbers feat. Forrest - Back to Back - London, England ⬇
5. Global Communication - 5:23 (Thom Monn's 6:26 Version) - Schweiz ⬇
6. Coma - Bette Davis' Eyes - Köln, Deutschland ⬇
7. Niels Freidel - Good (Fassing Remix - Stefan Lange Edit) - Berlin, Deutschland ⬇
8. Lexfinger - Painkiller - Zürich, Schweiz ⬇
9. Art In Motion - Birds Flying High - Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien ⬇
10. Mollono Bass - Brummelhorn (Stefan Lange´s Keep Movin Edit) - Berlin, Deutschland ⬇
11. DJRadum - Paradisco (Radum & Eleven remix) - Romania ⬇
12. Dj Le Roi Feat. Roland Clark - I Get Deep - Animal Trainer Remix - Zürich, Schweiz ⬇
13. Lou Van - Save My Soul Now - Kopenhagen, Denmark ⬇
14.Sam Sparro - The Shallow End (MODO remix) - - Gent, Belgien ⬇
Artist: VA
Title: Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons
Release Number: BDW007
Release date: Jan 06, 2013
Style: Indie, Nu Disco, Deep House, Tech House,
All tracks and downloads are hosted by the artists, Das schöne Leben( does not own any rights of the tracks the status free download depends on the link owner. VA - BDW #007 is compiled by Stefan Lange, with free download tracks taken from soundcloud.
If there are any problems with rights or somesthing else, please mail to info ( at ) dasschoeneleben ( . ) com .
The picture is taken from

Adriatique, Art In Motion, Bacalao & Sonne, Chromatics, Cyril Hahn, David Shaw and The Beat, Dennis Knob, Essáy, Falling Cows, Frank Martiniq, Gregor Sultanow, LetKolben, Louis Strzebkowski, Mass Digital, Mitzi, Nicolas Jaar & Theatre Roosevelt, Oysta, Pablo Bolivar, Processory, Robag Wruhme, Sin Cos Tan, Tapesh, Urulu
VA - Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #006
compiled by Stefan Lange
01. Nicolas Jaar & Theatre Roosevelt - The Ego
02. Sin Cos Tan - In Binary
03. Processory - Non-Aggresion Principle
04. Frank Martiniq - Dub la dash in bangladesh
05. Chromatics – Cherry (Main Fix)
06. YesYou - Half Of It (Mitzi Remix)
07. Stumbleine - Heart Shaped Locket (Essáy's Sunchain Remix)
08. Gregor Sultanow - Fliederduft
09. Bacalao & Sonne - Foxes (Live Mix)
10. Pablo Bolivar - Destination Novgorod
11. Long Arm - The Waterfall Inside Me (Robag Wruhme Remix)
12. Jaxson & Keno - Gotham (Mass Digital Remix)
13. Destiny's Child - Say My Name (Cyril Hahn Remix)
14. Major Lazor - Get Free (Adriatique's Lazers Never Die Rework)
15. Unknown - How Can I (Art In Motion Remix)
16. David Shaw and The Beat, - 'No More White Horses' (first version)
17. DeMarzo-Untouchable (Tapesh 909 Remix )
18. Dope Hex - Fungus spreads (LetKolben Remix)
19. SOAD - Radio Video (Falling Cows Redown)
20. Louis Strzebkowski - Mosaik (Original Mix)
21. - Revenge Of The Phunky Ho (Dennis Knob's Deep Ho Mix)
22. Urulu -Sweet Talk (Urulu 'Works For Me' Dub)
23. Oysta - YOU
Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #006
Style: Nu Disco, Deep House, Tech House, Minimal, Techno
Label: Das schöne Leben
Release Number: BDW006
Artist: VA
Title: Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons
Format: Digital
All benefits go to the artists!
All tracks and downloads are hosted by the artists, Das schöne Leben( does not own any rights of the tracks the status free download depends on the link owner. VA - BDW #006 is compiled by Stefan Lange, with free download tracks taken from soundcloud.
If there are any problems with rights or somesthing else, please mail to info ( at ) dasschoeneleben ( . ) com .
The picture is taken from

Artists: The 8th Era, Patrick Oliwka, Samu.l, Gregor Sultanow, Isaac Tichauer, Soul Button, Balcazar & Sordo, Cyril Hahn, Made to Move, Lee Webster, M.A.N.D.Y., Josh Marcy, Groove Delight, Oliver Rado, Michael Mayer
VA - Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #005
compiled by Stefan Lange
01. G. Vump - Feeling (The 8th Era Remix) (with RAFAI guest vocals) [mix 1]
02. Patrick Oliwka - fühlgebruch.
03. James Blake - The Wilhelm Scream (Samu.l Edit)
04. Gregor Sultanow - Elements
05. Isaac Tichauer - I Forgive You
06. Isaac Tichauer - Step Away
07. Rashid Ajami - Rule The World (Soul Button Epic Remix)
08. Balcazar & Sordo - String bussines
09. Solange - Losing You (Cyril Hahn Remix)
10. Ben Pearce - One thing (Made to Move remix)
11. Jobe - Keep Control (DeMarzo Remix)
12. Lee Webster - Message to Deadmau5
13. M.A.N.D.Y. vs Josh Marcy - New Venice (Rhythm)
14. Pattern 2 & True Factory - Bad Habit (Groove Delight Remix)
15. Low Roar - Nobody Else (Oliver Rado Remix)
16. Michael Mayer - Good Times (Smartphone Version)
01. G. Vump - Feeling (The 8th Era Remix) (with RAFAI guest vocals) [mix 1]
02. Patrick Oliwka - fühlgebruch.
03. James Blake - The Wilhelm Scream (Samu.l Edit)
04. Gregor Sultanow - Elements
05. Isaac Tichauer - I Forgive You
06. Isaac Tichauer - Step Away
07. Rashid Ajami - Rule The World (Soul Button Epic Remix)
08. Balcazar & Sordo - String bussines
09. Solange - Losing You (Cyril Hahn Remix)
10. Ben Pearce - One thing (Made to Move remix)
Download (Rechtsklick Ziel speichern unter)
11. Jobe - Keep Control (DeMarzo Remix)
12. Lee Webster - Message to Deadmau5
13. M.A.N.D.Y. vs Josh Marcy - New Venice (Rhythm)
14. Pattern 2 & True Factory - Bad Habit (Groove Delight Remix)
15. Low Roar - Nobody Else (Oliver Rado Remix)
16. Michael Mayer - Good Times (Smartphone Version)
Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #004
Style: Nu Disco, Deep House, Tech House
Label: Das schöne Leben
Release Number: BDW005
Artist: VA
Title: Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons
Format: Digital
All benefits go to the artists!
All tracks and downloads are hosted by the artists, Das schöne Leben( does not own any rights of the tracks the status free download depends on the link owner. VA - BDW #005 is compiled by Stefan Lange, with free download tracks taken from soundcloud.
If there are any problems with rights or somesthing else, please mail to info ( at ) dasschoeneleben ( . ) com .
The picture is taken from

VA - Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #004
compiled by Stefan Lange
01. MODO - Baby Don't Cry
02. Patrick Oliwka - Sonnentief
03. Talul & Lexer - Tempête (Original Mix)
05. Georgi Barrel & Dr. Dynamite - Time For Kings
06. Bensei - An Animal In A Subconscious (Karl M Rework)
07. Treptunes - Weia (Oh Weia Edit)
08. K Koke Ft Maverick Sabre - Turn Back (Tough Love Remix)
09. The Supremes - My World Is Empty Without You (Karmon Remix)
10. Art Department - Tell Me Why (Stefan Lange Edit)
11. Eelke Kleijn - Einzelgänger
12. Jorge Takei - The Clock ft. Mokusch (Vox Love Mix)
13. Him_Self_Her - On My Mind
14. Michael Jackson - Off The Wall (GMGN Remix)
15. Grizzly - Seven League Boots And A Fistful Unknown Numbers
16. Jary M Plige - Hate it or Love it! (SOULTRONIC EDIT)
01. MODO - Baby Don't Cry
02. Patrick Oliwka - Sonnentief
03. Talul & Lexer - Tempête (Original Mix)
05. Georgi Barrel & Dr. Dynamite - Time For Kings
06. Bensei - An Animal In A Subconscious (Karl M Rework)
07. Treptunes - Weia (Oh Weia Edit)
08. K Koke Ft Maverick Sabre - Turn Back (Tough Love Remix)
09. The Supremes - My World Is Empty Without You (Karmon Remix)
10. Art Department - Tell Me Why - SL Edit
11. Eelke Kleijn - Einzelgänger
12. Jorge Takei - The Clock ft. Mokusch (Vox Love Mix)
13. Him_Self_Her - On My Mind
14. Michael Jackson - Off The Wall (GMGN Remix)
15. Grizzly - Seven League Boots And A Fistful Unknown Numbers
16. Jary M Plige - Hate it or Love it! (SOULTRONIC EDIT)
Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #004
Style: Nu Disco, Deep House, Tech House
Label: Das schöne Leben
Release Number: BDW004
Artist: VA
Title: Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons
Format: Digital
Releasedate: 18.11.2012
File Under: Deep House/ Tech House
All benefits go to the artists!
All tracks and downloads are hosted by the artists, Das schöne Leben( does not own any rights of the tracks the status free download depends on the link owner. VA - BDW #004 is compiled by Stefan Lange, with free download tracks taken from soundcloud.
If there are any problems with rights or somesthing else, please mail to info ( at ) dasschoeneleben ( . ) com .
The picture is taken from

VA - Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #003
compiled by Stefan Lange
01. Marvin Gaye – Whats Going On (S-Man Remix)
02. Chris Malinchak – So Good To Me
03. Pete Oak . Wonderfull (Original Mix)
04. Deep Lo – Let Go (Rob Made Remix)
05. The Doors – Riders On The Storm (Pete Oak´s Moonshine Edit)
06. Uff Légère – Geile Geische
07. Douglas Greed – Pain (Chris Manura Remix)
08. Flashmob – Ninety Five (Dirty Channels Remix)
09. Flashmob – Sometimes
10. Fritz Kalkbrenner – Scissor Kick
11. Nankoo – NDGO feat Soho Rezanjad (Ron Flatter Remix)
12. Nicolas Jaar – And I Say (Xinobi Edit)
13. Pete Oak – Sorry
14. Soley – I´ll Drown (Florian Rietze Remix)
15. Rampue – Somebody Like You (feat. The Feather Man)
16. Le Youth – Dance With Me (Octochamp remix)
01. Marvin Gaye – Whats Going On (S-Man Remix) Download
02. Chris Malinchak – So Good To Me Download
03. Pete Oak . Wonderfull (Original Mix) Download
04. Deep Lo – Let Go (Rob Made Remix) Download
05. The Doors – Riders On The Storm (Pete Oak´s Moonshine Edit) Download
06. Uff Légère – Geile Geische Download
07. Douglas Greed – Pain (Chris Manura Remix) Download
08. Flashmob – Ninety Five (Dirty Channels Remix) Download
09. Flashmob – Sometimes Download
10. Fritz Kalkbrenner – Scissor Kick Download
11. Nankoo – NDGO feat Soho Rezanjad (Ron Flatter Remix) Download
12. Nicolas Jaar – And I Say (Xinobi Edit) Download
13. Pete Oak – Sorry Download
14. Soley – I´ll Drown (Florian Rietze Remix) Download
15. Rampue – Somebody Like You (feat. The Feather Man) Download
16. Le Youth – Dance With Me (Octochamp remix) Download
Interpret: VA
Titel: Beautiful Dancefloor Weapons #003
Style: Nu Disco, Deep House, Tech House
All benefits go to the artists!
All tracks are hosted by the artists, Das schöne Leben( does not own any rights of the tracks the status free download depends on the link owner. VA - BDW #003 is compiled by Stefan Lange, with free download tracks taken from soundcloud. If there are any problems with rights or somesthing else, please mail to info ( at ) dasschoeneleben ( . ) com . The picture is taken from